Illegal Disposal of Garbage

The habit of people throwing garbage carelessly or inappropriately is a dirty and even primitive bad behavior. So littering is actually not a hobby, it’s not a fun activity or makes the heart happy.

Beware of Disposing of Garbage Carelessly in Palembang Now Can Be Fined

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Avoid littering with the following tips, now you know the dangers of littering for the environment and health.

Illustration of littering. Social media is one of the means of conversation that is currently popular in all corners of the country, it is also in our country. All young people today know and can use social media. The poster above is unique with the illustration of a small child who looks angry at the behavior of adults who pollute the environment.

Indeed, we are sometimes tired and tired of reminding others not to litter. It’s time like that, you have to be informed. Please teach children to love the environment by not littering and minimizing waste production.

Not all countries can compromise with waste like Indonesia. Sanctions for disposing of medical waste carelessly. There are many countries that are very disciplined about the rules about cleanliness.

Today, it is still littering. So don’t litter, throw garbage in its place and it will be even better if we are wise in producing and managing waste. Photo illustration of littering net bogorupdatecom, the government of Bogor Regency, West Java, will impose a fine of IDR 50 million and a maximum imprisonment of three months to residents who are caught littering in their territory.

Cartoon images of children littering the number of technological developments that are increasing and sophisticated. Hi guys, this is just an illustration so that we always take care of the environment around us, one of which is to get used to throwing garbage not in any place but in its place, ok guys. From now on, immediately stop this bad habit and move on to a safer way of managing waste.

The Bogor regency government does not hesitate to give strict sanctions to anyone who litters. The resident with the initials Ms. was caught throwing trash on Wednesday, January 30, 2019. Regarding medical waste, the mayor of Mataram, Hahyar Abduh, as we quoted from the article RS. Disposing of medical waste indiscriminately must be dealt with firmly.

Mayor Issued a Prohibition on Arbitrary Garbage Disposal

Early 2019 Dozens of Pekanbaru Residents Fined For Disposing of Trash

It’s 2019 Still Throwing Garbage On This Street

This Video is the Result of Carelessly Disposing of Garbage on the Driver’s Road

Photos of Careless Garbage Disposal Will Be Displayed on Banners

That Prohibits Arbitrary Garbage Disposal

Nu Recommends Disposing of Garbage Carelessly and Haram Nights

Dispose of Garbage Violating Prison Rules 1 Month Or IDR 1 Million Fine

Guaranteed Kapok This City Has A Sadistic Way For Those Who Dispose Of Garbage

A fine of Rp. 20 million for indiscriminate waste disposal is the reaction of residents

Ahok Fines Ineffective Garbage Disposal Metro Tempo Co

Disposing of Garbage Carelessly in Bogor Regency is Fined Rp. 50 Million

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