Presentation Illustration

Illustration of Budianto Sianturi’s sermon. At that time one of the cows was pregnant and in a few days was due to give birth.

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Suddenly a man sitting behind him tapped him on the shoulder and gave 20 thousand to the teenager.

Illustration of the presentation. The bigger the bait, the more the results. The cloth offering was rejected by God because the offering was not in accordance with his will. Unlike Abel, who offered the firstborn of his flock.

13 21 this tells of a rich man who is trying to increase his wealth continuously. As soon as the presentation box was distributed he immediately opened his wallet and put a thousand rupiah into the presentation box. That is your true worship roma 121.

If this week you give an offering of Rp. 10000, then in return you will get a blessing of Rp. 100000, God will reward you double or even 100 times. This motivation can be illustrated with an illustration of anchovy bait used for fishing for snapper. We are also used to giving offerings in church and so used to it that sometimes there are people who don’t feel shy about God anymore. The best offerings as Christians, we are taught to like to give not only to others, but also to God.

Not only offerings in the form of money but the most important thing is ourselves. But with the right motivation not to show off matt 63 and willingly and joyfully 2cor 97. In the parable told in the gospel of Luke 12.

When in the temple Jesus noticed everyone who put money into the offering box and Jesus told his disciples that a poor widow who put in 2 pennies gave more than all those who put in offerings because she gave from her lack even all that she had that is, all his sustenance. Wherefore I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Tuesday, January 21, 2014.

One day a Christian farmer said to his wife that he wanted to make an offering to God’s work. Offer the best to god the calf to god. The biblical illustration of gratitude and offering which then goes on to tell the story of a rich, foolish man.

The Bible records that the cloth offering part of the produce of the ground means that it gives merely not giving its best and not wholeheartedly. Neither the tithe of the offering of faith and thanksgiving nor whatever the name is should be given not out of grief or compulsion. An illustration is a visual display that is presented either in the form of a photograph or other artwork to explain information such as a poem or newspaper article through a visual presentation in graphic form.

Thus God is pleased with each of our offerings.

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